Intelligence Gathering
Intelligence is the collection, evaluation and interpretation of gathered information. If you do not know who or where someone is how are you able to find them? Intelligence gathering is the first and most important step in disrupting human trafficking. DHT specializes in multiple intelligence gathering disciplines ranging from Human Intelligence (HUMINT) the collection of information from people, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) the collection of information from electronic communications, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) the collection of information available to the public, and Cyber Intelligence (CYBINT) the collection of information derived from cyber based intrusions.
Direct Action
Direct action missions are short duration strikes used to seize or recover personnel. Once you know where someone is how do you recover them? All of DHT’s operations team are former law enforcement, government, or military. We utilize the skills and experience we have built in our former career fields to plan and execute recovery missions. These interdiction operations in conjunction with law enforcement allow for the safe retrieval of human trafficking victims world wide, while assisting law enforcement with the identification and apprehension of members of trafficking organizations.
Recovery is the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. Once someone has been rescued what is the next step? This is the ultimate goal of DHT. While physical recovery can be accomplished in a short duration the overall healing and recovery process needs ample time and attention to be attained. We make sure all human trafficking survivors are given the opportunity to accomplish full recovery. We rely heavily on our trusted and fully vetted after care specialists that are experts in the facilitation of recovery for trafficking survivors.